• CONSULTING in strategy and service management;
  • TRAINING in upgrading and retraining in strategy and service management;
  • SUPPORT to service management: Service strategy, service design, service transition (project phase), operation of services (operational phase), continuous services improvement.

We offer VALUE and CUSTOMIZED SERVICES and SOLUTIONS that meet the specific needs and expectations of for each customer.

  • CONSULTING in strategy services management.
  • SUPPORT in drawing up the target specifications of managed services contracts before launching an invitation to a tender;
  • TRAINING to upgrade the INTERNAL management of managed services : Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition (Project Phase), Service Operations (Operational Phase), Continuous Service Improvement;
  • SUPPORT to the INTERNAL monitoring of the services management;
  • AUDITS and RECOMMENDATIONS on the management of contracts by external providers of managed services. We intervene here as a third party. We recommend after actions for improvements for better Quality of Services (QoS) and OPTIMAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Support (if necessary and requested) to the implementation of the recommended actions;
  • We offer VALUABLE and CUSTOMISED services and solutions to meet the specific needs and expectations of each customer.
  • NGOs can independently request the same VALUABLE SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS as SME/SMIs and big companies. Contact us in case of specific needs and expectations;

We offer VALUABLE and CUSTOMISED services and solutions to meet specific needs and expectations.

  • You are a company with no representation in Cameroon, you wish to buy, rent a land and/or build in Cameroon for example, but you wish to do it by a VALUABLE company in order to have the desired results;
  • You just have to contact us, we are going to give you a SUPPORT in the identification of the exact specifications of your own needs and expectations, the conception and the signature of a contract adapted to these specific needs and expectations;


  • We provide MONITORING, make reports with our technical partners, we report to you until completion and give you the keys. We do everything in accordance with contractual requirements;
  • For any other similar need, do not hesitate to contact us on this subject;
  • The same service is offered for Cameroonians living abroad. This depends on specific cases.
  • CONSULTING in strategy, operations management and service management.
  • Upgrading TRAINING in operations management;
  • Upgrading TRAINING in service management: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition (Project Phase), Service Operations (Operational Phase), Continuous Service Improvement;
  • SUPPORT to the identification of Public Private Partnership (PPP) opportunities;
  • MEDIATION between the presidencies of the republic and governments for the signing of winning managed services contracts;
  • ACCOMPANYING states and governments in monitoring the following-up of managed service contracts by companies and organizations providing managed services for state activities. We intervene here as a third party;

We offer VALUABLE and CUSTOMISED SERVICES and SOLUTIONS to meet specific needs and expectations.

  • For a first contact, the presidents of the republic and the governments will have the choice to contact us directly or through their embassies;
  • Embassies will also be privileged points of contact during the negotiation, design, signature and implementation of major contracts between States and governments;
  • Embassies can independently request the same classic services as SME/SMIs and big companies. Contact us in case of other needs and expectations;
  • We offer VALUABLE and CUSTOMISED SERVICES and SOLUTIONS to meet specific needs and expectations.



”Everyone is a genius. But if we judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its life believing that it is stupid ” Albert EINSTEIN

  • Each human should know what are their own talents, gifts, personalities and capacities ;

  • Each human should know which jobs are
    related to their personality types. It is easier to be excellent in jobs and
    actions related to our talents, gifts, abilities and personalities ;

  • Orientation at a time in life should always consider our talents, personalities and capacities with related opportunities we have. It is the same particularly with professional life.

According to Cambridge dictionary

  • Talent: (someone who has) a natural ability to be good at something, especially
    without being taught ;
  • Talent : a special natural ability to do something
  • well, or people who have this ability ;
  • Talent: a person or people with a natural skill or ability.

1-Verb linguistic intelligence ;

2 – Logico-mathematical intelligence ;

3 – Kinesthetic bodily intelligence ;

4 -Spatial intelligence ;

5 – Interpersonal intelligence ;

6 -Rhythmic musical intelligence ;

7 -Intrapersonal intelligence ;

8 – Naturalist intelligence ;

9 – Existential intelligence.




The MBTI questionnaires are one of the best known tests. 2 millions people take the MBTI questionnaire each year. Some useful links

Below the different categories of MTBI personalities segmented into four groups

ANALYSTS: Architects, Logicians, Commanders, Innovators;

DIPLOMATS: Lawyers, Mediators, Protagonists, Inspirators;

SENTINELS: Logisticians, Defender, Director, Consul;

EXPLORERS: Virtuoso, Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Entertainer.


IKIGAI is a Japanese method allowing
you to find your REASON FOR BEING, your WAY

Below are some important links


Psychometric questionnaires not only allow us to get to know each other better and better to know others.

>>> The MBTI questionnaires

>>> Les questionnaires StrenghtsFinder.



>>> Ci-dessous voici deux liens recommandés par des enseignants de la Harvard Business School.


>>> Autre lien


  • To create IMPACT, you have to be aware that you have value. Our values generate more value, the value generated creates IMPACT. This is done through own talents, own gifts, owns personalities ;
  •  To create IMPACT, it is best to focus on actions related to our own talents, gifts, abilities, personalities ;
  • To create IMPACT, it’s important to respect integrating it into all our actions: human, cultural, natural, environmental, moral and ethical values;
  • Life is a school of values, we always have the choice to choose at the individual level to live while respecting our values. As much as possible ;
  • A child who has grown up in a family or an environment with values can IMPACT more easily ;
  • It is our values that make us an original and unique being;
  •  It is highly recommended to put our talents, gifts and abilities at the service of humankind

word from ceo



“The price is what you pay, the value is what you get”.

Warren Buffet


*** The international firm IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING (IVC) is customer oriented. All of IVC’s actions are designed, implemented and continuously optimized to ensure the satisfaction of each client, as well as stakeholders;

*** The international firm IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING generates value for each of its customers in an optimal way. In some cases, IVC supports them to generate as much value as possible for some end customers;

*** Management is an art. Organizations do not always have an adequate strategy, an effective and efficient organizational management, a management of services allowing to generate as much value as possible for each client;

*** Managing a business, contract or service is like piloting an airplane. Directors and managers in particular must be supported in certain cases to do so optimally. GOOD MANAGEMENT almost always produces good results systematically;

*** The international firm IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING supports organizations in the design, deployment, implementation and continuous optimizations of their strategy,  their organizational management and their management of services in the requirement of the art;

*** The international firm IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING supports each of its clients to achieve the best possible performance: turnover, margins and profits with ethic;

*** “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its life believing that it is stupid “Albert Einstein. The international firm IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING supports each of its clients to put people at the center of the strategy to have a winning strategy.




President, Founder and CEO


For any useful purpose, please consult my LinkedIn page.

Feel free to send me an invitation if we are not yet friends.



We invite you to take note of our different areas of expertise


  • Support companies in the creation, implementation and optimization of strategic processes to generate value ;
  • Support companies to have the best quality of services, effectively, efficiently and optimally ;
  • Support companies in creating the maximum of profits in ethics, while avoiding losing it.


  • Support companies in the design, implementation and optimisation of managed services offers.


  • ITIL




To generate and make generate economic VALUE in a STRATEGIC and OPTIMAL way.


  • CONSULTING in strategy and services management ;
  • TRAINING upgrading and retraining in service management;
  • SUPPORT to the strategy and service management by VALUABLE and CUSTOMISED SERVICES and SOLUTIONS.





Business cannot thrive in a turbulent world animated by dishonourable events.

Every professional is called upon to take a moment to identify all the points that need significant optimization in the world we live in today. TRUE VALUES contributing to a harmony of differences and a friendly business environment are not always shared.

A structured and conscious human being could ask himself the following 7 questions in terms of TRUE VALUES CREATED and/or IMPROVED in a direct or indirect way: These 7 questions are called the 7 questions of Arsène TCHASSEM WOTCHAP.

1 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for God?

2 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my family?

3 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for the society?

4 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my company?

5 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my country?

6 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my continent?

7 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for humanity?

 All these elements, which might appear to be independent, are intimately linked and contribute to the good performance of individuals and de facto of companies.


>>> CREATE POSITIVE IMPACT: Generate VALUES in all our actions, for our customers, partners, employees and stakeholders.

  • INDIVIDUALS: Orient as much as possible towards vocations and talents in order to achieve excellence more easily;
  • ORGANIZATIONS: Support our clients in achieving the best turnover, margins and profits with ethics;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: Contribute as much as possible to the consideration of human, cultural, social, natural, environmental, moral and ethical values.


>>> OPTIMAL GOVERNANCE: Support administrators, directors and managers to have the greatest positive impact possible with ethics.

  • KNOWLEDGE : We train in strategy and service management;
  • KNOW-HOW : We support in making the best decisions;
  • KNOW HOW TO BE : We support the identification, management and optimization of vocations, talents and capacities of human resources.
cravate rouge


>>> INNOVATION: Encourage creativity in a dynamic and perpetual way.

  • CUSTOMERS: Dynamically identify points of improvement for each client and propose optimizations ;
  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Dynamically optimize our work processes according to the specific needs and expectations of each customer ;
  • PARTNERS: Align our interactions with customers’ own needs and expectations .


>>> COMPLIANCE WITH COMMITMENTS: In all our actions and interactions, we respect our commitments.

  • CUSTOMERS: We ensure that by respecting our commitments, each customer is fully satisfied;
  • PARTNERS: We align commitments with our partners to those we have with our customers;
  • STAKEHOLDERS: We respect commitments with stakeholders.


>>> INTEGRITY: Working with employees, customers and honest partners.

  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Integrity, honesty, ethics and respect for values are essential to create POSITIVE IMPACT;
  • CUSTOMERS: We work with customers aligned with the values necessary to create POSITIVE IMPACT;
  • PARTNERS: We work with partners aligned with the values necessary to create POSITIVE IMPACT.


>>> CUSTOMER IS KING: We are an international customer-oriented consulting firm.

  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: All our actions are designed, implemented and optimized to meet the current and/or future needs and expectations of our customers;
  • PARTNERS: We have partners who help us not only to meet the current needs and expectations of our customers, but also future ones;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: We educate our customers on the need to contribute to having an environment favoring a healthy business climate.



  • INDIVIDUAL: Every standard human being has the same physical structure: a head, a trunk, four limbs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose, a mouth, uses oxygen to live with the RED BLOOD circulating in its veins;
  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Created as much as possible a harmony of differences;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: Whether in Africa or in the rest of the world, we are at the service of humanity.



We intervene transversally at the level of strategy, design, deployment (project phase), operation (operational management), and the continuous improvement of processes.