Business cannot thrive in a turbulent world animated by dishonourable events.

Every professional is called upon to take a moment to identify all the points that need significant optimization in the world we live in today. TRUE VALUES contributing to a harmony of differences and a friendly business environment are not always shared.

A structured and conscious human being could ask himself the following 7 questions in terms of TRUE VALUES CREATED and/or IMPROVED in a direct or indirect way: These 7 questions are called the 7 questions of Arsène TCHASSEM WOTCHAP.

1 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for God?

2 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my family?

3 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for the society?

4 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my company?

5 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my country?

6 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for my continent?

7 – What TRUE VALUES am I creating and/or improving for humanity?

 All these elements, which might appear to be independent, are intimately linked and contribute to the good performance of individuals and de facto of companies.


>>> CREATE POSITIVE IMPACT: Generate VALUES in all our actions, for our customers, partners, employees and stakeholders.

  • INDIVIDUALS: Orient as much as possible towards vocations and talents in order to achieve excellence more easily;
  • ORGANIZATIONS: Support our clients in achieving the best turnover, margins and profits with ethics;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: Contribute as much as possible to the consideration of human, cultural, social, natural, environmental, moral and ethical values.


>>> OPTIMAL GOVERNANCE: Support administrators, directors and managers to have the greatest positive impact possible with ethics.

  • KNOWLEDGE : We train in strategy and service management;
  • KNOW-HOW : We support in making the best decisions;
  • KNOW HOW TO BE : We support the identification, management and optimization of vocations, talents and capacities of human resources.
cravate rouge


>>> INNOVATION: Encourage creativity in a dynamic and perpetual way.

  • CUSTOMERS: Dynamically identify points of improvement for each client and propose optimizations ;
  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Dynamically optimize our work processes according to the specific needs and expectations of each customer ;
  • PARTNERS: Align our interactions with customers’ own needs and expectations .


>>> COMPLIANCE WITH COMMITMENTS: In all our actions and interactions, we respect our commitments.

  • CUSTOMERS: We ensure that by respecting our commitments, each customer is fully satisfied;
  • PARTNERS: We align commitments with our partners to those we have with our customers;
  • STAKEHOLDERS: We respect commitments with stakeholders.


>>> INTEGRITY: Working with employees, customers and honest partners.

  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Integrity, honesty, ethics and respect for values are essential to create POSITIVE IMPACT;
  • CUSTOMERS: We work with customers aligned with the values necessary to create POSITIVE IMPACT;
  • PARTNERS: We work with partners aligned with the values necessary to create POSITIVE IMPACT.


>>> CUSTOMER IS KING: We are an international customer-oriented consulting firm.

  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: All our actions are designed, implemented and optimized to meet the current and/or future needs and expectations of our customers;
  • PARTNERS: We have partners who help us not only to meet the current needs and expectations of our customers, but also future ones;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: We educate our customers on the need to contribute to having an environment favoring a healthy business climate.



  • INDIVIDUAL: Every standard human being has the same physical structure: a head, a trunk, four limbs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose, a mouth, uses oxygen to live with the RED BLOOD circulating in its veins;
  • IMPACT VALUES CONSULTING: Created as much as possible a harmony of differences;
  • AFRICA AND THE WORLD: Whether in Africa or in the rest of the world, we are at the service of humanity.